Drafts now requires iOS 7, and has been updated to feel right at home on the new OS. In addition, lots of new bits and improvements have been made, so please take the time to review the notes below. #### New stuff - "Post to Google+" action. - "Show status bar in editor" settings allows hiding of the status bar. - Magic + Button. The new draft button still functions as it always did, but now you can tap and hold on the "+" button to get new draft options, including the ability to create a new draft with the contents of the clipboard, or using the current selected text. - "Import from Dropbox". If you have the Dropbox app installed, when you tap and hold on the new draft button (see above), you will get an additional "Import from Dropbox" option which allows you select files from your Dropbox and create a new draft with their contents. - Most actions can now be run on an empty draft. This is useful for a number of circumstances, such as a case where you have actions that rely on the [[clipboard]] tag only, or if you simple want to use Drafts a launcher for other apps, quick emails, etc. - Tags now work in Email Action recipient (to, cc, bcc) fields. - "Notebook" field in Evernote actions now supports tags. - New action tag: [[selection]]. Inserts the last text selection used when editing the draft, or the full draft if there was no selection. - [[line|n]] tag now supports ranges using the ".." range syntax. Such as [[line|2..4]] for lines 2, 3 and 4, [[line|2..]] for line 2 through the end of the draft, [[line|..3]] for lines 1, 2 and 3. - Option to show number of drafts in the inbox as an app badge. - Settings > Sync and Storage > "Archive Inbox Drafts" function moves all drafts currently in the inbox to the archive. #### Misc. changes and improvements worth mentioning - "Copy" buttons in tag help views now dismiss tag help after placing tag in clipboard. - Allow tweets with >140 characters if they contain URLs that will be shortened by Twitter and result in a total of less than 140 characters. - Added Helvetica Neue-Light font, because, you know, iOS 7. - Added OpenDyslexic font. - Added tab key to extended keyboard. - "Markdown: Preview" action now works properly with URL callbacks. It always should have, but didn't. Useful if you want to use Drafts as a Markdown preview tool from another app. - Improve Markdown preview with new CSS. - Setting to disable/enable TextExpander expansion as you type.